Author: Jens Emil Grønbæk

  • Award at DIS ’24 in Copenhagen!

    Emily Wong just presented our paper at ACM DIS 2024 in Copenhagen:“The Jamais Vu Effect: Understanding the Fragile Illusion of Co-Presence in Mixed Reality”, which received an Honourable Mention Best Paper Award.w The Jamais Vu Effect describes a phenomenon in the user experience of Collaborative Mixed Reality, where the familiar suddenly feels novel and unfamiliar.

  • 1st workshop & launch of the Collective

    In the week of June 17-21 2024, a team of researchers across The University of Melbourne, University of Sydney, University of Queensland, and Aarhus University met in Sydney to define the research agenda and grand challenges underpinning the mission for The Blended Realities Collective. Together, we explored current research, products, technologies, and idea patterns in…

  • A great CHI ’24 in Honolulu!

    We had an amazing ACM CHI Conference in May this year, sharing our most recent work!It triggered lots of great conversations and new ideas on the future of UIs for distributed collaboration. Jens Emil and Juan presented the paper:“Blended Whiteboard: Physicality and Reconfigurability in Remote Mixed Reality Collaboration”, which received an Honourable Mention Best Paper…